Number 21
May 21st, 2009

When You Think You're Done, You've Just Begun

The sun was shining on Clermont Drive
Success was sweet and the future was alive
Clouds rolled in and the west wind blew
Sometimes life changes in spite of all you do

When you think you're done, you've just begun
When you think it's over, it's just getting started
In the blink of an eye
The sun breaks through the Colorado sky
We pulled together as one
When you think you're done, you've just begun

We can't control where the winds may blow
But we have hope in what we know
The best part of a mystery is not knowing how it all turns out
That's what life is all about

Now the sun still shines on Clermont Drive
Every bit of that love is still alive
So pack it deep in your hearts
Every ending is a brand new start